The Problems with Thumb Sucking in Children

Thumb sucking is a natural source of comfort for children, but there are problems associated with thumb sucking. There are pictures even babies in the womb sucking thumbs – maybe your child is one of them! This habit can also kick in when the kids get bored, tired or worried.

Most children stop by the time they are 4 or 5 years, and this usually happens naturally without too much encouragement. However, thumb sucking in children more than this; can have a detrimental effect on the development of children's teeth and mouth. For help, you can purchase finger sucking prevention devices online.

Thumb or finger sucking can be a very difficult habit to break, no matter how many kids want to give up, and one that can cause dental problems that can only be resolved through orthodontic treatment or surgery.

When the thumb or finger sucking begins (usually from birth) infant bone is very soft and still forming, so this means that the soft palate continues to be driven upwards by the thumb or finger and can malformed. Worryingly, if it continues for a long time, this habit could also alter facial growth and could lead to the collapse of the upper jaw.

By the time school starts, thumb or finger sucking can cause social anxiety and shyness, and fear of being regarded as 'childish' by the children who are older. Children who suck their thumbs or fingers in the classroom often lose their concentration and 'zone out'; they stop when reminded by staff, but usually quickly recurring cycle.