Contact a Lawyer If You Are Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer

If you believe there is a connection between the powder and cancer, the first priority is to have a lawyer who will review your case. Consultations are usually free, and a lawyer will be able to determine whether you have the right to take legal action.

When you file a talcum powder lawsuit, you could be eligible to recover:

Medical bills (current and future treatment)

Lost wages

Loss of future income

Reduced earning capacity

The pain, suffering and mental anguish or emotional distress

There are allegations against Johnson & Johnson (J & J), claiming they are aware that manufactures and distributes products are harmful to consumers for decades. Compensation is given as a means to punish the defendant, and as a warning to others who might engage in similar behavior.

Unfortunately, it is not really possible to give a precise time frame on how long it takes to resolve your case. A powder claims would involve going against a big company, is likely to face numbers of litigations, which can prolong the process.

Reliant on the accused, you may have the option to join the multidistrict litigation (MDL), rather than the individual submission. For example, outside the state court case, J & J faces more than 14,000 lawsuits filed by the federal court system that has been incorporated into an MDL.