Know More About Raw Irish Moss – Wild Harvested

Our raw Irish Sea Moss is wild collected from the ocean and then naturally dried in the sun. Our bags comprise of Irish sea moss ranging in color from light brown to a translucent, clear hue based on the level of moisture present within the Irish sea moss. 

Because the Irish Sea Moss is wild harvested, it has naturally occurring salt, pieces from mesh (from the nets used for harvesting the moss), and sand, which must be removed by hand prior to packaging it. We suggest cleaning it by soaking it and then rinsing it several times to get rid of any remaining salt and sand, or even mesh. While the Raw Wildcrafted Sea Moss 4oz contains salt after being rinsed and soaked, it is a light to taste, and it isn't salty at all.

Dry Irish Sea Moss should always be kept in a dark room, and it doesn't need to be stored in pouch bags as the salt itself acts as a natural preservative. Don't keep the dry moss in the fridge as it's too humid and the crystals of salt are not capable of protecting the moss. You can keep your moss for a whole year.

Soaked and hydrated Moss is best stored in the refrigerator. Make use of a clean glass jar or bowl, and replace the water each day. it should last up to two weeks however, it will lose some of its gelling properties.