How To Publish A Book – Is Self Publishing For You

Self-publishing a book can be a rewarding and lucrative venture. It is a pleasure to see your name printed in print. Self-publishing a book isn't for everyone. These questions will help you determine if self-publishing is right for you.

Question #1: Do you enjoy talking to others about your passions?

Self-publishing is for those who enjoy sharing their interests with others or learning about new topics.

Why? You become an expert in your field when you self-publish a book. You can share your expertise with the world by giving interviews, writing articles, lecturing at seminars, and taking part in other forms of communication online, such as participating in discussions, blogging, and even speaking at seminars.

Self-publishing is not for everyone. If you prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself, self-publishing might not be right for you. You may still prefer traditional publishing, but you have a slim chance of selling a book if you don't promote it. If you still want to take the self-publishing path then you can get help from a self publishing coach through to become a successful author.

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Question #2: Do you want to make a lot of money with book sales?

Self-publishing is a great way to make money from your book. Did you know there are over 50,000 independent publishers? And that they sold a combined $14 billion worth of books last year. Self-publishing is a great way to get involved in this growing and lucrative market.

The traditional publishing route is still valuable. Authors prefer the traditional publishing route because they have a long-held goal to publish books via this route. Or, simply because there's a better way. Traditional publishing typically pays small upfront payments, which can range from 4-10 thousand dollars to royalties that average.20 per book.

Self-publishing is a lot more profitable than traditional publishing and you can keep all of it – no sharing with the publishing house or your agent!