How Long Should You Sit In A Massage Chair

Almost everybody who uses massage chairs doesn’t know how long should they be sitting in it. They like the vibrations and warmth so much that they keep seated in the massage chair. So, we are going to discuss this particular topic today that how long should you sit in a massage chair. When we talk about the recommended time, then it is 15 minutes, but people who are in excruciating pain tend to sit for a lot longer than that.

But those who have just started to use a massage chair should stick to a 15-minute timeframe. Spending too much time on a massage chair can bruise your muscles and cause inflammation in the soft tissues of the body. Most massage chairs feature an automatic timer that lets people know not to go over a certain time limit. Some units have massage programs that shut off the unit when used for too long.

Why Start With Short Massage Increments?

You can stay longer on the massager chair as you become comfortable with it. You need to understand that being on a massage chair is like a workout, so the initial days can give you a different feel, but as you begin to use it, your body will get accustomed to it. So, just like any other product, start slow and then, increase your time on the massage chair and you will get the maximum benefits from it.