All You Need To Know About Food Safety

Food safety refers to routines in the preparation, handling, and storage of food aimed at preventing foodborne illness and injury. From farms to factories to consumers, food can be exposed to an infinite number of health risks as it moves through the supply chain.

In this way, food safety practices and procedures are applied at every stage of the food production life cycle to limit these risks and avoid harm to consumers. As a discipline,food safety class  is based on a wide range of academic fields including chemistry, microbiology, and engineering.

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These different schools of thought come together to ensure that food processing safety is achieved wherever food is produced, prepared, stored, or sold. With this in mind, food safety is a systematic approach to hygiene and accountability that affects every aspect of the global food industry.

Food is one of the most traded goods in the world. As markets become more global every year and the world's population continues to grow, global food supply chains will only increase in size and complexity. With this megatrend affecting mass production and distribution of food, food safety has never been more important.

Each country has different regulators that guide the definition and application of national food safety standards. To sell or produce food in any country, domestic and international companies are subject to food safety laws and enforcement actions.