All You Need to Know About Chicken Coop

Making a portable chicken coop is easy but you will need to move it every couple of days so there are a couple of things that you will need to do to make sure that your coop is simple to build and easy to manage.

Weight and Size:

Have a look at the plan that you are using and check the materials. Make an educated guess how easily the coop that you are building will be to move. It is possible to substitute some materials for lighter ones – in some cases, PVC piping makes great framing that is also light and durable.

If you want to know more about chicken coop then you can visit this site at

portable chicken coop. I think this is the coop I want....Portable ...

A portable chicken coop that is around 3ft x 8ft should be OK for most people to move easily. 


Putting wheels on your portable chicken coop is a great idea and can solve a whole lot of hassle! Make sure that the wheels that you use are tough and easily replaced. 

Push or Pull?

Most plans for a portable chicken coop require you to push the house around but in some cases, this may not be the most practical option. Those with a slight rise in their yard will appreciate the ability to pull the coop uphill or push it back down again!