Keep Your Lips Looking Fabulous With Dermal Fillers

We don't have to wait for a special opportunity to pamper our lips, we can keep them in prime condition all year round. Whether winter elements leave you dry, chapped lips or if you are unhappy with the look of your lips there is no need to despair, there is a solution.

The delicate skin of your lips is very susceptible to bad weather and requires special care to keep them good:

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Exfoliating Lips – Removes dead skin from the lips to keep them smooth, making it easier to apply lipstick. For exfoliation, use a soft toothbrush and petroleum jelly to wash your lips once a week.

Prevent lipstick stains on teeth – after applying lipstick, put your finger in your mouth, close your lips and pull out. This will remove the lipstick on the inside of your lips.

Dry lips – If you have dead skin on your lips, try not to lick or rub them. Keep your lips hydrated, as licking your lips will dry them out and remove dead skin cells which can cause bleeding.

Matte Lips – Make sure to exfoliate your lips when wearing a matte lipstick, as crusts or dead skin will be immediately recognized on your lips.

Longer Lasting Lipstick – To keep the lipstick on your lips longer, apply a little powder on your lips and then suck on them. Spray a little translucent powder onto your lips, then apply another coat of lipstick.